Additional Services
At Balanced Physical Therapy, Pilates & Performance Center in Glendale, AZ, we have sessions that offer massage, cupping, and dry needling completed by a LICENSED PHYSICAL THERAPIST. These sessions are for those that are specifically seeking these services to best help their well-being with a holistic approach.
As licensed professionals we have an obligation to our clients that we provide care that is ethical and is justified based on our assessment in the first evaluation. If we feel that you would not benefit from certain treatment/services, we will let you know what we feel would be best. This is based on our experience and expertise.
Our ultimate goal for you is to meet your goals. Often these treatments are helpful, however, ultimately to see your efforts and the results last, you need specific exercise training. We will work with you to find the best solution to meet your goals!!
We use cupping to help promote healing. When the therapist put special cups on your skin, it creates a suction to cause the tissue beneath the cup to be drawn up and swell causing increase in blood flow to affected area. Cupping helps to increase the blood flow to sore areas in muscles and promotes healing.
Cupping can provide pain relief, ease the symptoms of many common disorders of the bones and muscles, be very relaxing, and help to reduce muscular restrictions, scars, and adhesions, to decrease swelling, increase range of motion.
Dry Needling
We use dry needling at our clinic to target trigger-points and promote healing. Dry needling is an invasive procedure where a small needle (like an acupuncture needle) is inserted into the skin and muscle. The aim is towards trigger points that are aggravated areas of the muscle that are associated with a hypersensitive palpable region of the muscle and usually in a taut band.
If a trigger point is active, it can cause local or referred pain and can lead to muscle weakness, restricted range of motion of your joint. There is also a latent trigger point and it may not cause pain until stimulated, however it may alter muscle performance and contribute to restricted movement. Trigger points may occur due to unaccustomed loads to the muscle, sustained postures, and repetitive movements. They can cause pain that is due to decreased blood flow and essential oxygen that is needed for optimal muscle performance.
Book today, as spots fill up quickly.
For additional information, call 623-249-3216